Welcome to
Southlands Glad Tidings Fellowship
Assemlby Website

Matthew 28 vs 19-20
"Go Ye Therefore and make disciples of all the nation, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything that l have commanded you"

I extend my warmest greetings to you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for setting aside time to know more about us.

Southlands Glad Tidings Fellowship Assembly is a Christ focused Church (1 Peter 2 vs 6; Ephesians 2 vs 20). We believe with the core of our beings that without God's Love and sending Jesus Christ to Die for our SIN and the Help of the Holy Spirit, humanity was doomed to eternal destruction (1 Corinthians 1vs 30; John 3 vs16-18). Therefore everything we do is centered around HIM and to please HIM (Hebrews 12 vs1-2).

Please feel free to browse through our website and familiarise yourself with our activities as we seek to please our LORD (Ecclesiastes 12 vs 13). We are looking forward to hear from you soon. For more information and prayer request, feel free to drop us a message through our contact page and we will be in touch.


Pastor L Mucheka

Pastor L.Mucheka

Pastor, Teacher

A Brief History

The vision of Glad Tidings was given to Pastor Richmond Chiundiza who at that time was a Pastor with Christian Life Center Harare where he was working with Pastor Steve Bacon. He was also National Director of Campus Crusade for Christ in Zimbabwe. In 1982 Pastor Chiundiza put this vision into action and started Glad Tidings Fellowship meeting at Highfield Secondary School in Harare.

Disciples In Action(DIA)

Disciples in Action is a team of Apostles that were used by the Lord Jesus Christ to found the Glad Tidings Fellowship (GTF) denomination. This Apostolic board was responsible for the planting and strengthening majority of assemblies Glad Tidings Fellowship has. This apostolic team is led by Apostle Richmond Chiundiza, the one used by the Lord Jesus Christ in starting Glad Tidings Fellowship denomination.

GT-Founding Fathes

Our Weekly Programs



0730hrs - 1100hrs


Ladies Fellowship Meeting

1300hrs - 1500hrs



1830hrs - 1930hrs

Our Ministries