The vision of Glad Tidings was given to Pastor Richmond Chiundiza who at that time was a Pastor with Christian Life Center Harare where he was working with Pastor Steve Bacon. He was also National Director of Campus Crusade for Christ in Zimbabwe. In 1982 Pastor Chiundiza put this vision into action and started Glad Tidings Fellowship meeting at Highfield Secondary School in Harare. A few handful people met in the School Hall on Sunday afternoons from August 1982. The work grew very rapidly through evangelism (witnessing and discipleship) in the township under Richmond Chiundiza’s pastoral care and preaching. A few local churches were planted including, Warren Park, Dzivaresekwa, Glendale and Kadoma. Then in 1986 a Harare wide outreach plan dubbed “Action 86” was launched and several local churches were planted and outreaches were done all over Harare and spilled over to other Cities and towns. By end of 1990 churches had been planted in Harare, Bulawayo, Gweru, Mutare, Masvingo. Today the church has many local churches including Harare, Bulawayo, Gweru, Mutare, and every town in Zimbabwe. There are also many local churches in the Rural areas all over Zimbabwe. Outside Zimbabwe Glad Tidings is in South Africa with 6 congregations, the United Kingdom and Botswana, Malawi and Zambia.
Disciples in Action is a team of Apostles that were used by the Lord Jesus Christ to found the Glad Tidings
Fellowship (GTF) denomination. This Apostolic board was responsible for the planting and strengthening
majority of assemblies Glad Tidings Fellowship has. This apostolic team is led by Apostle Richmond Chiundiza,
the one used by the Lord Jesus Christ in starting Glad Tidings Fellowship denomination. He is currently the
Leader of Disciples in Action and Pastor of Glad Tidings Fellowship City Church.
The DIA team members are; Pastor A. T. Gore (GTF Highglen church – Gomo rekutizira), Pastor A. D. Simba
(GTF Mufakose church – Goshen) and Pastor Kaseke (GTF Dzivaresekwa church). These men of God, with their
apostolic calling, have planted churches all over Zimbabwe.
Southlands Assembly started in 2013 with just a handful group of believers
and has since grown to a big assembly. Glory to the Lord of the Harvest.
John 4 vs 34
0730hrs - 1100hrs
1300hrs - 1500hrs
1830hrs - 1930hrs
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