Youth Ministry

The Youth Ministry is also one of the imporant ministries in the church. We believe that the Youth, have a big role that they play as vessels of the LORD. If we look in the Bible most of the people that were used by God were young people. Young people like David, Joseph, Jacob and many others. So our main objective is to equip these Youths now so as to create a God fearing generation from them.

"I write unto you young men because you are strong..."
1 John 2 vs 14

Our Youth Leaders

Currently our Youth Leaders are:

Brother Blessed Chikowore

Brother Dylan Rusere

Brother Denzel Rusere

Sister Audrey Musara

Sister Lovejoy Adrea

Sister Makanaka Ngorima

Our Meetings

We often meet at the local church at 1300hrs on Sundays and we will have our session as youths for one hour. We also meet on Saturdays usually when we have a big event or a topic for discussion that requires a lot of time.

Our Activities

  • Bible Studies
  • Bible Quiz
  • Discussions
  • Teachings
  • Outing
  • Games